Summary Draft 1

Article: Concrete that Grows

Researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder have created living concrete from bacteria and sand. By combining sand, hydrogel and bacteria, living material is introduced and its properties are comparable to cement-based mortar while carrying biological purposes. 

Photosynthetic cyanobacterium was biomineralized with a 3D sand-hydrogel scaffold in which it will produce new bricks from the original brick. According to Srubar (2020), director of Living Materials Laboratory, this process of biomineralising will change the way people think about this new practice, ushering in a new age for the current manufacturing industry and reusable materials. 

The new materials can regenerate from the original "brick" by responding to the surrounding temperature and humidity. However, biological viability and mechanical performance cannot coincide so that additives could enhance the bacteria's tolerance to dry conditions.  

Despite this technology being in its early development phase, it represents a new era in material manufacturing: a new grade of responsive materials “in which structural function is complemented by biological functions.” 


Corless, V. (2020). Scientists create living concrete from bacteria and sand. Retrieved 30 January 2022, from


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