Critical Reflection

Knowing the gist of this module will surely consist of public speaking, I knew I would struggle to carry through. The beginning of this module had me wondering if I could keep up with the rest of my outspoken classmates who are well-versed. Initially, I thought being placed with mostly male classmates which whom I might least likely connect, will hold me back from speaking out my opinions freely without feeling intimidated. Fortuntely, there were opportunities to work with them where I was able to express and communicate comfortably. In my opinion, going through these uncomfortable moments where I have to speak out as an introvert is a part of growing to be a greater individual. Though I have yet to be confident when speaking to bigger crowds, I have to do it more often, be it to a small group of friends. During lessons when Prof would assign us to explain the module content, those were opportunities I embraced to speak more and practise my fluency.

Right from the start of this module, it propelled me into the mindset of critical thinking. Knowing that some minor decisions I made in life are sometimes without thought, one of the goals I set for myself upon entering this class was to improve my critical thinking and to use it consistently. I used to struggle to put my words in a cohesive sentence while ensuring my train of thoughts is not disrupted. The past weeks have been insightful as I honed my thinking to be aligned with the intellectual standards. This will link to how I convey my thoughts, leading me to use the seven Cs of communication. I believe there is much room for improvement in the way I communicate because the way I intended my message to get across to the listener usually did not go right. After all, the process of learning and improving has no end.

The big component of this module was the technical report that tests our writing and presentation skills. The aspect that had a significant impact on me was the formal presentation. I understand the necessity of this presentation as this was of sorts, a practice stage before actually pitching to future stakeholders. Personally, I strongly believe that I had the potential to present way better than that day. I have done countless presentations in polytechnic and was confident compared to this. Even before getting input from others, I was the harshest critic of myself. This is most probably because I was pressured to meet the high standards that others have set. I kept comparing myself to them when they are natural speakers which are not ideal. The feedback I received from my classmates was helpful to refine my presentation skills and I have come to terms that there is no such thing as the only way of presenting.

As the team leader, I am proud of my team for pulling through the tough times when we had to do extensive research on an eccentric topic and understanding each other’s complications. By working towards a certain goal, we aligned our mindset to sell our idea and convince the audience. As a whole, my team contributed different skill sets that fall into place and produced a work of quality. I am grateful for the efforts they put into making it work. Despite my individual shortcoming in the presentation, their words of encouragement made me feel better. To conclude, it was a pleasure to go through this journey with my teammates and appreciate the times Prof motivate me.


  1. Dear Farzana,

    Thanks very much for this detailed critical reflection. I appreciate how you’ve addressed both facets of the assignment – module learning and the project -- and that you considered various aspects of the work you did and explained multiple takeaways.

    Best wishes as you continue your learning journey!



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